Operations Relay

Atlas is infrastructure-agnostic; each app may choose how the User Operations and Solver Operations are aggregated. Examples include:

  1. On Chain: When gas cost is not an issue, Solver Operations may be sent on-chain, and then aggregated by any party, including a smart contract.

  2. On Another Chain: Solver Operations may be posted and aggregated on another chain, and the output can be used to settle the atlas transaction on the settlement chain.

  3. Service Providers: When Atlas is launched, service providers like BloXroute's BDN and others will support the aggregation of User and Solver Operations for rapid bundling.

  4. SUAVE: Once live, Operations can be sent to the SUAVE network, bundled into a transaction by the SUAVE Atlas implementation, and then made available for use by bundlers.

If you are interested in integrating a service provider as an OR you can check out the specs for doing so here and contact us if interested in learning more about becoming an ops relay. We also have a reference implementation of an OR in Go that we are working on (pre-alpha).

Last updated