
The auctioneer is responsible for aggregating UserOperations with SolverOperations, and then using the bid valuation function of the invoked Atlas module to sort the SolverOperations.

The auctioneer signs a DAppOperation, which includes a CallChainHash. The CallChainHash is a bytes 32 hash of the solver operations that ensures UserOperations and SolverOperations cannot be reordered by other actors in the transaction supply chain.

Each application must designate a party to act as the auctioneer. This assignment should be made carefully to ensure the integrity of the process. It is strongly recommended that the application select the auction beneficiary to act as the auctioneer, which in most cases is the originator. The complex responsibilities of this role can be either partially or fully automated by a locally-run integration of the Atlas SDK with the app’s interface. Due to the pre-existing, explicit trust that regular users place in the frontend, the net new trust assumptions of using Atlas are limited to the censorship resistance and reliability of the OR.

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