
Spamming an MEV auction with optimistic transactions that have a low probability of success may be profitable if the costs of transaction failure are low, or the auction offers free reverts. To efficiently use block-space and gas in a permissionless Atlas auction, the Solver Operations included in the solverOp queue may also need to be prioritized in some way.

Our approach is to give apps, networks, and infrastructure providers the data necessary to easily implement their own solution. The Atlas smart contract makes historical data available for each solver to assist developers in this filtering:

  • # of auction wins

  • # of failed Solver Operations

  • Total gas used by all Solver Operations

Application developers can define their own formula to interpret this data, as well as other data they may want to collect, to create a reputation score for each bidder. In the simplest version, reputation score can just be the Solver's historical success / failure rate, which is directly readable from the Atlas smart contract. You can dedicate as much space as you would like in the solverOp queue to bidders of a certain reputation score, or allocate space in more complex ways. That is completely up to you and can easily be tweaked over time; it is not enshrined in Atlas.

Last updated